Monday, 15 October 2012

Launch out!

Yesterday a Mr Felix Baumgartner performed an astonishing world-first feat. He carried out the highest freefall jump ever, 24 miles up in the air; he jumped literally from the edge of space after rising to the height with a purpose built helium balloon.
Man is always looking to accomplish more and more astonishing feats in the natural earth and skies around us. Some Christians may say man is taking things too far when they attempt to tamper with nature or have aims to colonise places we are not meant to be, such as the Moon or Mars. However, you have to admire the constant drive for exploration and new discovery.
-Such a striving should be taken as an example for some of our assemblies of the faith. We serve the Great God of the universe who is able to do things amongst us that will blow our minds! (Ephesians 3:20) Furthermore, he said we are branches attached to Him –the vine- and this means we should be growing, flourishing and constantly bringing forth fruit each season. ‘Fruit’ is everything we produce that is pleasing to God (i.e. good works, souls being converted, qualities of character, etc)
Yet some of us are going round and round in circles just as the children of Israel did in the wilderness because they were not following God as they should have been. We are like the disciples who were toiling all night, just doing the same old, same old thing –and not getting anywhere. Then Jesus told them to cast their net on the right side- and hurrah! A boat load of fish miraculously came their way. The key instruction given by Jesus was ‘LAUNCH OUT into the deep’ (Luke 5:4).
....and this is exactly what we need to do. Remove ourselves from old comfort zones. Allow God to do the new and exciting things He desires to.
No matter how dry, barren or unchanging a situation seems, remember we serve a God who can do wonders even when it feels like we are in a dry desert spiritually (Isaiah 43:19)...A God who can bring beauty out of situations that appear hopeless (Isaiah 61:3)...A God who can do that which men think is impossible (Luke 18:27).

Just as Baumgartner courageously leapt from his capsule, we need to take a great leap of faith and let God allow us to soar with Him.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

(Pentecostal) Handbag Essentials!

Okay, there are the obvious necessities people carry to church, such as their Bible (ofcourse), hymnal and such. And there’s stuff we carry no matter where we go, such as our mobile phones or church tracts. But here is my very specific collection of handbag ‘essentials’ as a lady going to church...

Tissues , for wiping away tears when you or others are crying from; being in the spirit; hearing sad/happy news about family and brethren. Also for wiping kiddies’ noses.
Wet wipes. Like the tissue, but slightly more convenient for more messy occurrences, such as when you hold a cute baby and they decide to leave a cute little patch of vomit on your shoulder. lol
Sewing needle and thread/ safety pin. For fixing any wardrobe malfunctions –i.e. splitting your split high or tearing the armpit area of a fitted top/blazer because you are waving your hands aloft so fervently.
Hair grips- ‘Nuff said.
(Healthy) Sweeties- For good kiddies and cheering people up.
Fan-  It gets hot in a Holy Ghost church. Hott! I’m also told fans are always necessary for ‘women of a certain age’! Wow, I guess that awaits me in a few years time.
Mints- Ensuring your breath is fresh for after service ‘holy hugs and kisses’. Also, if you are at the altar helping someone to tarry or praying and whatnot, you need to ensure your mouth is sweet before it gets all up in someone’s face.
Perfume- Jesus is the rose of Sharon. Roses smell beautiful. So I must too. #weird logic
Nail file. Not vanity. Just to sort out hang nails and any tares which could catch and rip your tights.
Hand sanitizer- This isn’t a snobby-ish thing. For those of us who travel on the bus, we want to ensure we avoid carrying and sharing all those germs we pick up from the hand rails. People – remember swine flu?!
Lip balm-   So when the congregation meets and greets after service and you are administering your 'holy kisses' (2 Corinth 13:12) you don't scrape anyone with crusty lips.
Pen and paper- For writing down words of inspiration before they exit your brain. For keeping notes of church event announcements. Getting numbers of brethren and visitors you need to call (for those of us who aren't high-tech enough to use a mobile phone for this)

Anything I’ve missed?

Monday, 1 October 2012

Pentecostal Worship!

When someone steps into a Pentecostal assembly for the first time, they may be left wide eyed in wonder (1 Corinthians 14:23!). ..The jubilant shouting and singing, the euphoric jumping and praising, the weeping and gazing lovingly above....people seeming to be thrown to and fro by a wind within them...the speaking –to no one in particular- in a bizarre foreign language, middle and older aged people dancing and waving hands aloft as if they were teens at a concert or dancehall! Wonder indeed.
I’ve heard it said by nominal Christians who don’t believe in this type of worship that God would not allow His servants to worship him in a way that is ‘undignified.’ Such people are missing out on the reality of serving a living God, and the ‘fullness of joy’ (Psalm 16:11) He promises....And on the point of ‘dignity’...nowhere in scripture does it say worship is about our dignity, or us looking prim and proper. ..Because worship is the exact opposite of that! –it is about letting God completely take you out of yourself and your self-made ‘propriety’; it is about brokenness before the is about abasement...
King David is the perfect example. The more I read about this dude, the more I love him! He was a great regal king, yet when it came time to worship, he had no pomp or propriety. He danced so hard with the joy of the Lord, that his skirt flew about everywhere! His scornful wife, Michal told him he looked like an idiot! He told her plainly that when it came to worshipping God, he didn’t mind how he looked to others.
This is the attitude we must take. (2 Samuel 6:14-23)

God gave man the in-built desire to lose 'self’ in the spiritual –with Him-. (Though we are not out of control-1 Corinth 14:32) This is what people are fulfilling when they go out in clubs to try to get merry with music and alcoholic 'spirits'.
Thank God if you are Pentecostal
-You have the real thing!

Some scriptures that show real worship should be expressive...
Psalms 132:9: Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout for joy.

Psalms 149:3 Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp

Psalms 134:2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the LORD

Psalms 33:3 Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise.