‘Faith’ is one of those words that we use so often, the familiarity can cause some of its potency to be lost. But the word is rightly uttered an enormous number of times (especially in the Christian vocabulary) as it is an air-like essential , fundamental, foundational principle of life, more to the point- life with God.
Without faith, you have no connection with God at all. Faith is the activation of the sixth and most potent of the senses –the spiritual sense. We cannot see hear, or touch God physically. But Faith is the sense that enables us to see, hear and touch God in a way that is even more real than the natural things we perceive with our bodily senses -‘ it is the evidence of things unseen’. (God leaves His evidence in the natural world as markers pointing the way and-) Faith is the gateway into the physically intangible realm where God desires us to visit with Him.
Faith is like currency in the spiritual realm. The more you have, the more you’ll receive from the unending supply of heavenly riches.
Faith is the connector between us and Him.
Faith is the reason so much importance is given to prayer. God tells us to pray and ‘ask’ for things because He needs us to put our Faith in action. Prayer is simply the fuel that is used to ignite Faith.
Faith is the axis upon which all others virtues pivot: when Faith increases, love increases. When Faith increases, patience increases. When it increases, hope increases. (1 Thessalonians 1:3)
The greatest virtue is Love. But without the foundation of Faith to connect you to the One you love, your passion will be aimless.