Thursday, 6 September 2012

Stuff scripture makes clear as dubious...

Some 'Christmas' traditions
Don't get me wrong -I like Christmas. Although it is generally known Christ was not really born on this day, I’m happy the world at least has a time where people –some who wouldn’t otherwise- think about the birth of Christ. I like the gift giving, I like the carols, I like the egg-nog : p
-These are harmless traditions. However, we must stay aware that the day we call ‘Christmas’ is pasted over what was previously known as a pagan celebration, so we must be careful to avoid residual traditions which are purely idolatrous in origin. Namely –the setting up and decorating of a 'CHRISTMAS' TREE in the home. Even if you have never researched pagan traditions to know that this is one, I hope you’ve read your Bible, which shows you this has always been a purely heathen tradition.
-You see, the pagans of ancient eras noticed that the fir tree is evergreen and lives even throughout Winter when everything else dies. Thinking they live forever, they began to worship such trees as gods. And the symbol remains prevalent to this day.
Kissing beneath mistletoe is another one. Because mistletoe has a phallic appearance, it has always been looked upon as a symbol of fertility by pagans. Thus kissing beneath it is to procure success from the gods in ahem, the bedroom.
Guys, I’m not making this up! Even if you’ve never had a pagan work colleague as I have to confirm all have the internet  –Look it up!
Punto numero dos...
Celebrating Halloween...
I can almost understand following some of the pagan Christmas traditions which may seem so innocent to the uninformed. But following Halloween can just have no good excuse.
I was troubled to learn that there are UPC member assemblies in the US which join in celebrations of this dark festival. This is another old pagan celebration, but its satanic connotations are very much apparent.
I’d love to aske a Jesus name follower who chooses to celebrate Halloween- “how can we find dressing up as a witch, wizard or ghost etc and sending children out at night to garner candy hunky dorey?”...“Have you considered what exactly you are celebrating when you exalt Halloween?”...“How do you find a way to tie it into holy living and faithfulness to God?”...“Have you considered the reason why horror films, witchcraft activity and séances are focused around this time?”
N.B. we must “learn not the way of the heathen”.
If a dire situation were to occur in the marital home, in some cases separation (-not actual divorce) may even be necessary. For example, if a husband fell away from God and began beating his wife...she should no way stay to endure this.
However we must accept that the actual marriage covenant is for life. Divorce and re-marriage are not an option (unless sexual unfaithfulness has interfered with the union -Matthew 19:9).
     A hugely important element to be replicated from God’s marriage to His Church by man’s marriage is the permanency (Matt 19:6). Marriage is ordained to last as long as both parties are living. Spiritually, we live forever, so the marriage of Christ and His Church lasts for eternity. Naturally, we pass away, and only then is a man’s marriage covenant ended. Before Christ came, before the new covenant, before the revelation of the Gospel of Jesus, before men were filled with the Holy Ghost and were ordained to live a new way of holiness: God allowed Moses to reluctantly tell men they could put away their wives, because their hearts were too stubborn to be able to treat marriage with the seriousness with which God had intended (Matthew 19:8, Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:6-11).
Jesus made it clear that marriage lasts for as long as you live; it is an irrevocably permanent covenant (read Matthew 19:4-9). If a Christian tries to practice the act of divorcing, they are disregarding the commandment of Jesus and the truth of marriage reflecting the everlasting nature of Christ’s marriage to His bride.
If one gets married before they were Christian, this marriage does not count in the same way, as it was not done before God and by His ordination. However, if possible, it can be good for someone to stay with the spouse they married before they got saved; they can help them to get saved too, by showing them their renewed lifestyle and character (1 Peter 3:1).
Any serious commitment takes you through a course of ups and downs. Those who are blessed with the Spirit of God have access to all grace, strength, humility and love (which soothes over so much of the imperfection each of us have -1 Peter 4:8) to make sure their marriage is a continual blessing …When you consider it is ordained and sustained by the one who is Love Himself, there is no reason for it not to be so!

I'm writing this post being aware it is most probably futile; those who follow traditions such as erecting Christmas trees will continue to see it as a harmless tradition that 'everyone' does, that they've grown up with and wouldn't want to give up; and if they are part of a church that is good and sober yet breaches by this one thing, understandably most people won't feel the need to address it. Though it is a shame if people wouldn't go all out to ensure they aren't practicing traditions that don't please God
Love and blessings. & holy xXx

#Stay conscious

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