Diversity is inevitable and even necessary in life (God allows even us as individuals to be so, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11) and knowledge of numerous Apostolic assemblies (I’m careful not to use the word ‘churches’ here, as Christ has only one Church, although I’m sure you’d know what I mean) awakens you to the fact that there are some lifestyle stipulations that differ from congregation to congregation.
For example, there are some assemblies that allow pre-marital dating, while others do not. Some allow –but don’t encourage- the owning of a TV, some do not. Some follow a rule of hats as head coverings for women, while some believe their hair is the only necessary covering and that females should never cut their hair.
-The validity of convictions on either side of these points has been much debated. The spiritually mature know that sometimes the best we can do is just be respectful of others. An example: a pastor from an assembly in Cincinnati Ohio leads a congregation where women need wear no separate covering over their heads. But when he visits a ‘sister church’ overseas, in London, England he knows that they show respect to 1 Corinthians 11 by the women wearing hats in service. Thusly, his wife and two daughters accompanying wear small hats as they attend, respecting their host brethren’s convictions.
There are some tricky matters that are simply points of personal conviction. This is what Romans 14 is telling us. If saints on differing sides of afore mentioned points are genuine in trying to follow the word of God, they are not rebelling against what their God-given conscience is telling them is right.
Conclusively, if someone has the name and blood of Jesus on them and the spirit of Jesus leading them –and you do too- they are your family member. If you choose to think they are counterfeit or less than you because they differ to you on a ‘personal conviction’ point, then you have allowed a parochial mind to divert you from the absolutes of scripture. Ask yourself;

(Read all of Romans chapter 14 for the full picture)
Love & peace x
Love & peace x
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