There once was a young man called Christopher. A beautiful and magnanimous boy –it would seem he had a heart as vast as an ocean. Anything he could find to really love, and he would do just this. Love spilled forth from him as if he couldn’t help himself.
Christopher had a beloved pet. It was a prize breed and received all the gifts and affection the boy lavished upon it with haughty indifference. Often the creature would snarl and snap at its doting owner. At times, Christopher had no choice but to withdraw for a while in hurt, though he would soon forget the crimes against him and return to his intrinsic altruism.
One day the animal, in a fit of capricious whim, ran far away from the boy. So far in fact, that the lad could not find him. Christopher mourned for a good while, as one always must after losing a piece of their heart’s treasures. But he decided, instead of spending inordinate time beneath his sorrows, he would go out and find a new object of his love.
Christopher walked and searched. And searched and walked. And soon found a creature that stirred his automatic, in
stantaneous love. It was a stray mongrel. It lay filthy and forlorn, sheltering amongst a heap of refuse. Christopher reached out for it, and the undesirable beast withdrew. Used to being rejected and ill treated, the creature had no clue of the care that was waiting to pull it up into his arms.

As time passed on, the once half-dead dog learned trust for the unusual and mesmerizing lad, who adored it despite all its ugliness. And though it could sometimes be overwhelmed by the torrent of love from Christopher each day, this creature would never run away. For it could never forget it was a dirty and rejected mongrel, rescued and made a precious friend of one so beautiful.
...the ‘young man’ is Christ...(Luke 19:10)
And the dog was me...(Matthew 15:27)
(the ‘prize breed’ is Israel -which shall return)
#from wretched to beloved
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