Hello young girl,
How are you today? I hope you are well... Even despite this world’s ability to leave you feeling very unhappy. So you don’t think you’re important? Go look outside, you’ll see a great shining Sun, if it’s daytime, or a great beaming moon if its night.
...You were on God’s mind when he formed these. They were specifically made for you –just to take care of you, show you beauty, warmth and seasons. And this is only a tiny example of all the things He’s done because He so loves and adores you.
There is a part of you that is responding when you see awe-inspiring elements of his artwork for you –sunsets, blue skies, stars. That part of you is your soul. In actuality -this is you, but you're stored inside skin. And because someone doesn’t want you to realise you are an infinitely precious soul, he has found many clever ways to distract you from the fact. He creates an obsession in you with this skin that covers you. He does this to keep you short-sighted, unhappy and always comparing yours with the ‘skin’ of others.
This person is called the devil and he is very clever. Though he can’t read your mind, he can disguise his voice and put things into your mind. He offers you thoughts such as “I’m ugly’” “I’m worthless” “I’m not good enough.” And because he is so clever he can make you feel these lying thoughts are valid and true. In fact, he’s become so good at it, he’s managed to pull this trick on most people at one point or another. He even got someone who was perfect and God-like to feel as if they were not enough/didn’t have enough (Genesis 3:5).
...So, what should you do? How can you tell which thoughts this devil person is implanting into your mind? Well, all you need to do is make sure you know what the truth sounds like...
...then when you hear the devil's lies, it is easy to spot them and reject them.
Amen. The end. xxx
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