Monday, 17 September 2012

Ms. Mansfield. Poem

Did your powerful hold
Of many simple men’s eyes
Make you feel like you were maybe worth a mite more?
Did your unbridled burning and raging pride,
Make you forget
A mortal man cannot escape the mortal law?
Did your desire for more lovers to adore
your countenance of perfection
And enter your temple
To worship the terrible god
who demanded its erection
Make you forget
that desire is not always kin to true affection?

Ms. Mansfield, knowing the way you’d fall prey to the cold grip of death
Would you have wanted it for one of those
 you once had to share your bed?

(*Jayne Mansfield was a stunning Hollywood actress who thrived on male attention and sexual sadism. She was also a keen Satan worshipper and high priestess in the Church of Satan. Other members were such well known performers as Sammy Davis Jr, Marilyn Monroe and in the present day ‘rock star’ Marilyn Manson among others. These people actively worshipped/worship the devil.      
   After tiring of her lover and lawyer, Sam Brody, Jayne ordered for a ritual curse to be put on him to cause his death. Eerily enough, this appeared to come to pass as Mr. Brody died in a freak car accident a while after. However, Jayne was in the car with him and she also died. Aquino, the leader of the Church of Satan who put this ‘curse’ on Brody, openly credits himself with Brody’s death and says Mansfield was just in the wrong place at the wrong time!)
Dear oh dear

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