God’s word is infinitely amazing and we will spend our whole lifetimes in daily revelation, experiencing –and realising more and more of- its truths.
The word is also like a jigsaw puzzle. And the more you study it and take corresponding pieces allocated in different places, the more you realise there is an unceasingly beautiful picture, constantly forming itself before you.
The quiet voice of the Holy Spirit which speaks within us daily tells us the words that aren’t explicitly written in the Bible –though they never contradict it-. And they vitally make up some of the pieces of the ‘whole’ puzzle.
Here’s a practical example of how this can work, as I experienced yesterday...
So, yeah, in the morn I was listening to an audio sermon of Joel Urshan, one of my favourite an anointed preacher. The sermon was called ‘A Little Sanctuary’ (It’s from Jan 18th 2009, and can be found here: http://www.firstap.org/mp3/firstapostolic.xml )
He began to speak of how God told Moses to build Him a sanctuary. He went on to discuss the tabernacle/tent that the children of Israel worshipped in and would carry with them. I could see the preaching was going there anyway, but I had the revelation (you know when you know you already know something, but God brings it to your conscience in a mind-blowing new way where you are truly realising what it’s about? Yeh, anyways) ...that we are now the living, moving tabernacle that God makes His spirit dwell in and where worship goes on and from which God receives great glory.
So, that unique construction, made out of wood and skins and perfectly ordered by God in all of its making and, most importantly, where His spirit would rest –represented what He’d be doing with us. (And every single little element of the tabernacle represented something significant, but that’s another long post for another day)
Puzzle piece 1: Realising I am a tabernacle
Often when I’m out and about and travelling on the bus and such, I minister to myself internally. Just preaching to myself stuff of truth that simply pours out of the Spirit as I’m sat on the number 22. The words are so sweet and enriching, I know it sounds odd, but it’s as if I can really, literally, physically taste the words on my tongue. And it’s so delish! I know exactly what the writer is saying in Psalm 119:103 #dontbelazy,look it up
The other sensation that I can feel while all this is going on is the flow of the words going through me like a stream. In fact, that’s exactly what I told myself. “This feels like a stream just going right through me”, I said as I sat on the scuzzy bus.
Puzzle piece 2: The stream of God’s words go through me
Puzzle piece 3: Biblically how the stream and the tabernacle correspond...
So I went to church yester-eve and the scripture of the night was Psalm 46. Do you know what it says? Well, a lot of things, but here’s the verse that caught my little eye:
In light of revelations/realisations earlier that day, I could read the depth within this little sentence....
There is a river
-Which represents the moving Spirit of God #John 7:38-39
The streams thereof
The words that flow from the river
Shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most high
-Simply referring to all of us
-Simply referring to all of us
Since I know we are the tabernacles of the most high, the city of God -where we reside- is a term for us as the collective group of God’s people. You’ll find the same concept in the NT, where the collective of God’s people is referred to as ‘the kingdom of God’. (Luke 17:21)
You could also say God is the ‘holy place’, as we dwell within Him. (John 14:20, John 15:4)
So Psalm 46:4 is essentially saying: The Holy Spirit gives words that flow from it, giving joy to the people of God who dwell in Him/ His presence.
...#Nice like spice.
So that’s my puzzle piecing for the day of Thurs.
I already loved Psalm 46, because the way it refers to His city as ‘her’ in verse 5 makes it easy to remember its talking about me/ us, so I used to recite it to myself regularly. I luvvit even more now. All smiles J
#Remember the Word is yours. Study it and claim it
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